- Inspiration & Insights Magazin DENTSPLY (2018) , n°1, p. 26
“Abgeschragtes Implantatprofil fur die optimale Nutzung der Alveolenwand bei Sofortversorgung mit digitalem Workflow”
Krebs M., Hauschild U. - BMC Oral Health (2017) , n°1, p. 1-13
“Accuracy of four intraoral scanners in oral implantology: a comparative in vitro study”
Imburgia M., Logozzo S., Hauschild U., Veronesi G., Mangano C., Mangano F. G. - “Dossier Impression 3D”, L’information Dentaire n°16, 2017
“Applications Cliniques et Efficience du Numerique en Chirurgie Implantaire”
Fortin T., Hauschild U., Colombo M., Mangano C. - “PubMed”, PLoS One. 2016; 11(9)
“Trueness and Precision of Four Intraoral Scanners in Oral Implantology: A Comparative in Vitro Study”
Mangano Francesco G., Veronesi G., Hauschild U., Mijiritsky E., Mangano C. - DGOI, “Zeitschrift für Orale Implantologie ”, 4-2016, p.256 Germany
“Abgewinkelt und verschraubt”
Hauschild U., Rousset S.
- PSI, Polskie Stowarzyszenie Implantologiczne,“IMPLANTOLOGIA STOMATOLOGICZNA”,nr 2 (14) 2016, p. 34-43
“Cyfrowy system organizacji pracy umozliwia efektywne zarzadzanie dostepnymi zasobami w implantologii”
Hauschild U., Van Hove A., Rousset S., Muylaert D. - Iulian Vasile Antoniac, “Handbook of Bioceramics and Biocomposites”,pp 1-15
“Clinical Evaluation of Disilicate and Zirconium in Dentistry”
Baldi D., Colombo J., Hauschild U. - “Cone Beam International” , 3-2015, p.18-25 Worldwide
“Angulated Screw Access concept shifts the functional and esthetic boundaries of computer-aided implant dentistry”
Hauschild U., Rousset S. - Dentsply, “Dentsply Implants Magazin “, 2-2015, p.27 Germania
“Neue funktionelle und ästhetische Möglichkeiten der computergestützten Implantologie”
Hauschild U., Rousset S.
- Dentsply, “Dentsply Implant Magazine ”, 3-2015, p.31 Worldwide
“Angulated Screw Access concept shifts the functional and esthetic boundaries of computer-aided implant dentistry”
Hauschild U., Rousset S.
- Dentsply, “Dentsply Implants Magazin”, 1-2015, Germania
“Implantatprothetische Sofortversorgung in nur einer Behandlungssitzung”
Krebs M., Hauschild U.
- DZW Die Zahnarzt Woche, “Orale Implantologie”, 2-2015, p.24 Germania
“Digitaler Workflow in der Implantologie”
Hauschild U., Diss A.
Reprint of “Dentsply Magazine” article
- Digital Dentistry Association Russia, “DDA Magazine”, 1-2015, p.78 Russia
“Цифровая рабочая площадка в имплантологии. Немедленная имплантация и оказание помощи при отсутствии одиночного зуба с помощью программного обеспечения SIMPLANT®, ATLANTIS™ и Exocad®”
Hauschild U., Diss A., Manes F.
- Editionscdp, “Implant”, 1-2015, p. 117, Francia
“Nouvelle approche de la fonction et de l’esthétique grâce au puits d’accès angulé avec ATLANTIS ISUS™ Angulated Screw Access”
Rousset S., Hauschild U. - Implant Tribune China, “Implant Tribune”, 3-2014, p.41 Cina
Hauschild U., Van Hove A., Rousset S., Muylaert D. - Dental Tribune International, “Dental-Tribune Today”, EAO Congress Settembre 2014, p.12 Italia
“Computer-controlled implantology: Digital workflow facilitates resource-optimised treatment”
Hauschild U., Van Hove A., Rousset S., Muylaert D. - Digital Dentistry Association Russia, “DDA Magazine”, 1-2014, p.107 Russia
“Компьютеризированная имплантология: внедрение цифровых технологий в рабочий процесс для оптимизации лечения””
Hauschild U., Van Hove A., Rousset S., Muylaert D.
- Dentsply, “Dentsply Magazine”, 1-2014, p.28 Germania
“Digitaler Workflow in der Implantologie”
Hauschild U., Diss A. - Flhor new media, “Digital Dental Magazine”, 3-2014, p.6 Germania
“Digitaler Workflow in der Implantologie”
Hauschild U., Diss A. - Dental Tribune International, International Magazine of Cone Beam dentistry, USA
“Computer-controlled implantology: Digital workflow facilitates resource-optimised treatment”
Hauschild U., Van Hove A., Rousset S., Muylaert D. - Esse&Emme News Magazine, n 18, 3-2014, Italia
“Implantologia con utilizzo di impianti a diametro ridotto e tecniche CAD CAM per una provvisorizzazione a lungo termine”
Baldi D., Hauschild U., Colombo J., Pera P. - Flhor new media, “Digital Dental Magazine”, 3-2013, p.6 Germania
“Computergesteuerte Implantologie: Digitaler Workflow erlaubt Ressourcenoptimierung im Behandlungsplan”
Hauschild U., Van Hove A., Rousset S., Muylaert D. - Editionscdp, “Implant”, 2-2013, p. 117, Francia
“La liberté de choix avec le Scanner Optique”
Rousset S., Hauschild U. - Editionscdp, “Clinic”, vol. 34-2013, p. 419, Francia
“Mise en charge immédiate dans le secteur esthètique à l’heure du tout numèrique”
Rousset S., Hauschild U. - Teamwork Media Italia , “teamwork Clinic”, 3-2010, p.75, Italia
“Procedura Ray Set Implant 3D per la chirurgia computer assistita e il carico immediato su impianti”
Hauschild U., Setaro G. - “Immediate Smile® featuring ATLANTISTM Abutment” Hauschild U., Diss A.
- “Use of Immediate Smile in an immediate loading full arch” Hauschild U., Moltrasio G., Scaringi R.
- “Atlante di Implantologia Chirurgica e Implantoprotesico.” p. 167, P.Biaggini, Hauschild U., Setaro G.
- “Minimal invasive flapless surgery followed by immediate loading by mean of a CAD CAM bridge” Schiroli G., Hauschild U.
- Innovative Solutions In Guided Implantology, Abstract Book Luciano Gentile, Angelo Mottola, Marco Rinaldi
“Computer Aided Implantology, strategic routing to plannable Esthetics” Hauschild U. - “Sistemi di pianificazione implantare 3D”, Quintessenza Odontotecnica, numero 10, 2014
- German: “3-D-Implantat-Planungsysteme”p. 472, Aprile 2014
- Arabic: p. 23, February 2014
- “Die bildgebende Diagnostik trägt maßgeblich zur Risikominimierung bei”, TeamWork Media, Aprile 2014
- “Vom reinen Handwerk zur komplexen analytischen Dienstleistung”, p. 269, TeamWork Media, Giugno 2011
DIKON PEERS 2015, 18-19 Settembre 2015, Berlino
“Angulated Screw Access concept shifts the functional and esthetic boundaries of computer-aided implant dentistry”
Hauschild U., Rousset S. -
Dentsply Peers Meeting, 20 Settembre 2014, Berlino
“Computer-controlled implantology:Digital workflow facilitates resource-optimised treatment”
Hauschild U., Rousset S. -
Congresso Sergio Duillo, 07 Novembre 2009, Genova
“Carico immediato su impianti con chirurgia computer assistita per soddisfare le aspettative psicologiche ed estetiche di pazienti portatori di protesi mobili”
Hauschild U., Setaro G. -
Nobel Biocare Symposium, 19 e 20 ottobre 2012, Riccione
“Estetica & Funzione, un obiettivo pianificabile”
Hauschild U. -
“EVOLUTION – Contemporary Protocols for Anterior Single-Tooth Implants”
Implant Dentistry, August 2015 Volume 24 Issue 4
Hauschild U. -
“DIGITALE ZAHNMEDIZIN – Von Einer Anmassenden Modeerscheinung Zur Wandlung Eines Berufsfeldes”
DGOI Zeitschrift für Orale Implantologie, 1/2017
Hauschild U. -
“DIGITALE ZAHNMEDIZIN – Von Einer Anmassenden Modeerscheinung Zur Wandlung Eines Berufsfeldes”
Dental Dialogue, 3/2017, 18 Jahrgang
Hauschild U.
Case Report